
Download Event Tickets PDF. The Ticket PDF contains a QR code, which can be scanned for user identity at the time of attending the event.

Event Ticket PDF with QrCode

Download Tickets

Admin, organizer and customers, all of them can download tickets from their Bookings page.

  1. Admin - Can download the ticket PDF from Admin Panel -> Bookings page.

    Admin - event ticket download

  2. Organizer - Can download the ticket PDF of their customers from Organizer Bookings page on the front-end.

    Organizer - event ticket download

  3. Customer - Can download their tickets from My Bookings page

    Customer - event ticket download

Export Attendees

Organizers require their event attendees list, like their audience details who are going to attend their event. Now, with a click of a button, Organizers and Admin can download a CSV file containing all the booking details of event attendees.  Export Attendees button can be found on Event Update form -> Powered By tab.

Export Events Attendees