
Manage Eventmie Pro global settings here.

Eventmie pro master settings


Setup website brand identity.

Setting Name Type Description
Site Name alpha brand name
Site Slogan alpha Tagline
Site Logo image:jpg|jpeg|png Logo
Site Favicon image:jpg|jpeg|png Favicon/icon


Website SEO

Setting Name Type Description
Meta Title alpha short title explaining your business
Meta Keywords alpha comma separated unique keywords that describe your website in-short
Meta Description alpha short description of your website


About your social-media existence.

Setting Name Type Description
Facebook Page Username alpha Facebook page username only
Twitter Account Username alpha Twitter account username only
Instagram URL url Instagram profile URL
Linkedin URL url Linkedin profile/company URL


Contact details

Setting Name Type Description
Address alpha office address
Phone numeric office phone number
Email email office email
Google Map Lat numeric Google map coordinates Lat of your office address
Google Map Long numeric Google map coordinates Long of your office address


Bookings & Events global settings.

Setting Name Type Description
Pre Booking Time integer total hours before a customer can book an event
Pre Cancellation Time integer total hours before a customer can request Booking Cancellation
Maximum Ticket Quantity integer Max ticket quantity per booking
Hide Expired Events bool Show/Hide expired events on event listing page


Switch between Multi-vendor mode

Setting Name Type Description
Multi Vendor bool turn on or off the multi-vendor option
Admin Commission numeric|gte:0 set your commission in (%) percentage. (must be positive value)
Verify Email Before Login (v1.2) enable/disable If enabled, users will need to verify email after signup
Publish Event After Admin Approval (v1.2) enable/disable If enabled, event will go live only after Admin approval


Admin panel content settings

Setting Name Type Description
Admin Background Image image:jpg,jpeg,png admin login page background image
Admin Title alpha admin login page title & header title
Admin Description alpha admin login page sub-title
Admin Loader image:jpg,jpeg,png admin login page sub-title
Admin Icon Image image:jpg,jpeg,png admin panel logo


External Apps credentials

Setting Name Type Description
Google Client ID string Google OAuth client id
Google Client Secret string Google OAuth client secret
Google Map Key string Google Map Key
Facebook App Id string Facebook OAuth app id
Facebook App Secret string Facebook OAuth app secret
PayPal Client Id string Paypal client id (New Rest API)
PayPal Secret string Paypal secret (New Rest API)
PayPal Production Mode bool Turn on/off production (real) mode payments


Mail sending configurations

Setting Name Type Description
Mail Driver string Mail driver name e.g smtp
Mail Host string Mail host e.g
Mail Port string Mail Port e.g 1025
Mail Username string Mail Username e.g testuser
Mail Password string Mail Password e.g testpwd
Mail Encryption list disable, SSL, TLS
Mail Sender Email email Sender email e.g
Mail Sender Name string Sender Name e.g Eventmie


Region-specific configurations.

Setting Name Type Description
Timezone list Choose your region specific timezone
Currency list Choose your default currency

Setting Default Timezone affects Events Date & Time that are storing in the database, they're converted accordingly.

  • Suppose the default timezone is America/Los_Angeles and a customer visiting the site from India/Kolkata, then the customer will see the date & time according to India/Kolkata timezone

{info} i.e Auto Timezone Conversion from Server-side to Client-side & vice versa.

{success} Eventmie detects visitor's timezone and does all the conversions behind the scenes.

{warning} Please read the guidelines provided below each setting, and follow exactly mentioned, or else it may break down your site.