{danger} You must be on v1.3.x to upgrade to v1.4.x. Please DO NOT directly upgrade to v1.4.x from v1.2.x.
v1.4.0 is a major release. It includes a lot of new & most requested features, improvements, optimizations, and bug fixes.
Online Events with Zoom, Google Meet and all other public/private video conferencing or live streaming apps.
Multiple Taxes- Organizers can apply multiple taxes on each ticket.
Multiple Admin Taxes- Admin (site-owners) will be able to create and apply multiple default taxes on all tickets, like a fixed admin fee to the customers.
Private customers- Organizers will only be able to make a booking for a customer with email. The old Customers dropdown which shows all site customers, is replaced by a new dropdown with search option.
New design for Ticket PDF with QrCode and reduced data in QrCode for faster scanning.
Location filters on the Event listing page (Browse Events). You'll be able to filter by city, state, and country.
Multi-lingual Calendars.
Multi-lingual Admin Panel.
Multi-lingual Notifications email i.e Booking emails, registration emails, etc.
Improved email notification and email templates. Added more info in every email.
Added Export Attendees button on the Organizer Manage Events page.
Added is_paid
or not booking status. Offline payment- default is_paid = 0
, Online payment- default is_paid = 1
Upgrade to Laravel 7.x and Voyager 1.4.
Improved Customer's My Bookings
Confirmation alert popup before switching to tabs on the event form.
Disabled past events in schedules on the Event page.
If the Booking is Disabled
or Is Paid No
then, the customer won't be able to Download the ticket, access online event secret details, or request cancellation.
Manage Bookings