
Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded can be installed via composer as well as via web-installer. The installation proccess is exactly same as installing Eventmie Pro. No hard and fast. 🤞

Server Requirements

Same as Eventmie Pro's Server Requirements

Download Eventmie-pro FullyLoaded


  • Download Eventmie-pro FullyLoaded from
  • On the same page, make sure you add a domain name to authorize domain, on which you're going to install Eventmie-pro.
  • If You've purchased Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded Enterprise license, then you don't need to add authorize domain, you can install it on unlimited domains.
  • No need for domain authorization for localhost.
  • Unzip the Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded script that you've downloaded.
  • You'll find one ZIP file inside.

{primary} is a complete Laravel website, simply extract it in your website directory and follow the installation guide below.

Install via Composer

  1. Unzip file into your website directory e.g public_html.

  2. Open Terminal inside website root directory e.g public_html and run

    composer update
  3. Then run Eventmie Pro install command

    php artisan eventmie-pro:install
  4. Then run migration command

    php artisan migrate
  5. Finally, run database seed command

    php artisan db:seed
  6. While installation, it will ask you for the license code. Enter the license code to complete the installation process.

    {primary} Remember, one license code is valid for one domain only, except Enterprise license. Read license agreement here - Classiebit Licenses 👈.

Install via Web-Installer

Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded also comes with web-installer for those, who are not familiar with the Laravel framework. The web-installer installs Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded directly on the web-server in few clicks. No technical or coding skills needed.

{primary} Extract the inside the website directory e.g public_html or www.

Eventmie Web Installer

{primary} Web-installer installs everything - Laravel Framework + Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded package + composer dependencies.

Follow these simple steps for getting started with web-installer.

  1. Create a database on the CPANEL/server and copy the database credentials- database name, username & password.

  2. Then after extracting in the website directory, go to the website directory.

  3. Edit the .env file at the root public_html/.env and enter the database credentials.

  4. Visit the website URL. It'll ask for the License code, enter it and click Proceed.

  5. After successful license verification, it'll redirect to the Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded web-installer steps form.

  6. In the steps form, things are self-explanatory.

    • Step-1: Check server requirements
      It'll auto check the webserver requirements, and will point out if any PHP extension is missing. If in case of missing extensions, you need your web server/hosting provider or install missing PHP extension yourself. After installing missing PHP extensions, return to the installer page and refresh.

    • Step-2: Check Folder Permissions
      If you see some red cross. Change two folder permissions storage & bootstrap. (you'll see more info about this on the installer page.)

    • Step-3: Final Step
      Enter Website Name & URL and Click Install.

Installation Errors

  1. If you're getting error - 1071 Specified key was too long; while installation, it's due to older Mysql version. To resolve these, follow the below simple step and then try installing again.
  • Go to file config/database.php and change these values in mysql section

    'charset'   => 'utf8',
    'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    'strict'    => false,
    'engine'    => 'InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC',
  1. If you're running MySql 5.7 or older, then disable strict mode inside mysql section in config/database.php

    'strict'    => false,
  2. You may get classiebit/eventmie-pro package not found error, this happens on a very few web-hostings where symlink feature is disabled by default. And to resolve the error-

  • Delete the classiebit folder inside vendor folder and run composer update command in the Terminal inside the root directory of website.

Signup Error

After installation, make sure to add Mail server SMTP credentials on Admin Panel.

  • Simply visit Admin Panel
  • Click on Settings -> Mail tab
  • And enter mail server credentials.
  • Make sure to test SMTP credentials here- if emails are not delivering.