{success} This Feature only available in Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded


Create Discount promo codes that customers can apply to tickets while checkout.

As Admin, you can create multiple promocodes with different configuration like, fixed discount or dynamic (percentage basis) discount, set for how many times a promocode can be used and more.

And Organizers can select any of those multiple promocodes on their event tickets, different promocodes for each ticket. And organizers can promote the promocodes amongst their audience to provide them special discounts.

And then, Attendees can apply the promocodes on tickets while checkout and get discount.


Create Promocodes

Let's first create Promocodes as Admin.

  1. Login as Admin and go to Admin Panel -> Promocodes -> Add New.


  2. Set Promocode configuration-

    • Code: enter a unique promocode of your choice
    • Reward: enter a numeric value of the discount you wanna provide
    • Quantity: max usage limit. One user can apply only for once. If you set 100, then 100 unique users can apply the promocode, on each ticket.
    • Type: Fixed: Fixed Reward value Discount, Percent: Dynamic discount e.g reward percent of ticket price.
    • Status: Force enable/disable Promocode.


Set Promocodes

Organizer can then set the promocodes on their event tickets, that the Admin have added.

  1. Login as Organizer and go to Manage Events -> Edit -> Tickets tab.
  2. Create Ticket and select single/multiple Promocodes from the Dropdown.


Apply Promocodes

Finally, customer can apply the promocode on Checkout Popup.

  1. Go to Event Page and go to Checkout.
  2. Enter the promocode you have on any of the tickets and click Checkout.
