What's New/Changelog Version 1.3.x

{danger} You must first upgrade to v1.2.x. Please DO NOT directly upgrade to v1.3.x from v1.1.x.

Version 1.3.1 (Released - 11-May-20)

v1.3.1 is a minor patch release. It includes a few minor but important bug fixes reported by a client. Besides, there are also a few improvements & optimizations.

New Features & Improvements & Optimizations

  1. New UI for Repetitive Schedules. More clean & user-friendly approach to let customer book ticket instantly.

  2. Added a Payment Type that tracks if the payment is made online or offline (cash-on-arrival). Organizers and Admin both can see this.

  3. On Admin Panel, reduced the font size of tables to give a better compact view for larger tables.

  4. On Admin Panel, added disable/enable (soft-delete) functionality for-

    • Categories - disabling category also disables all its belonging events on the front-end.

    • Tags - disabling tag makes tag invisible from everywhere on the front-end.

    • Events - disabling event makes the event invisible from everywhere on the front-end and shows 404 on the event page.

    • Bookings - disabling booking is equal to force cancel the booking. The ticket scanner will also not allow it for check-in.

    • Taxes - disabling tax makes the tax invisible & unselectable for new tickets (for organizers) and unapplicable on existing tickets (for customers) on the front-end.

    • Users - disabling user disables the user account and the user can't be able to log in. The user sees an "Account disabled error."

Bugs Resolved

  1. Admin commission was showing incorrect value, while the organizer earning calculation was correct. Hence, we've resolved this issue, and also added a database query that automatically corrects all your existing Admin Commission values when you run php artisan eventmie:update command.

  2. A few minor mobile responsive design issues.

Version 1.3.0 (Released - 01-May-20)

v1.3.0 is a major release. It includes a lot of new requested features addition, improvements, optimizations, and bug fixes.

New Features & Improvements & Optimizations

  1. Added new faster & smoother checkout process.

  2. New UI design for Checkout Popup.

  3. Added new Offline payment method (cash-on-arrival).

  4. Added option in Admin Panel -> Settings -> Bookings, to enable/disable Offline Payment method for Organizers & Customers.

  5. Added option in Admin Panel -> Settings -> Site, to change footer credits.

  6. Optimized QrCode Scanner page and added an alert to Allow the camera.

  7. Now, the event start date can be equal or greater than today instead of tomorrow.

  8. Added tags types display e.g John Doe (speaker) in the Tag selection box, Event setup form -> Poweredby Tab.

  9. Disable Events option removed for Organizer. The organizer can publish/unpublish event while Admin can force disable the event. Disabled events aren't visible to the site visitors & customers.

  10. When a booking is canceled, the commission of that canceled booking get excluded automatically and won't be sum-up in the Organizer earnings.

  11. On the homepage, we changed the order of the featured events section to the top.

  12. Optimized VueJS files for better performance.

  13. Added Laravel Mix Polyfill to make better cross browsers support.

Bugs Resolved

  1. Resolve event slug error. 404 error when adding a slash (/) in the event title.

  2. Admin commission event not showing issue resolved.

  3. Resolved Checkout popup freezing issue. It was happening when you increase the Max Ticket Quantity Per Order by 1000.

  4. Center align the Tags section on the Event detail page.

  5. Fetch browser tab title from the App name in case of an empty site title (brand name).

  6. Admin Panel -> Dashboard -> TOP 10 SELLING EVENTS Chart: limit the event title length to 25 words.