
In v1.2.0, Speakers & Sponsors are replaced by a more powerful and dynamic feature called Tags. Now you can add unlimited types of Tags (e.g speakers, sponsors, hosts, DJs, etc) and link them to an Event.

Multiple tags can belong to an event. And each tag belongs to an organizer 😴. Basically, Organizer can add tags, and link them to their events.

                        -> Tag-1
                        -> Tag-2
Organizer-1 -> Event-1  -> Tag-3
                        -> Tag-4
                        -> Tag-5

Admin can manage all organizers tags from Admin Panel -> Tags. While Organizer can manage their tags from front-end.

  1. On the header, hover over the account name and click on Manage Tags.
  2. Click on  Add Tag
  3. In the popup, fill in the details and click on  Save

Add Tags

Field Requirement Description
Image required Tag image
Title required e.g John Doe
Type required e.g speaker
Sub-title optional e.g Entrepreneur
Website optional e.g example.com
Page optional select yes, if you want to show Tag's profile page.

{success} New tags can also be directly created and linked to an Event from the Event setup form.

Link Tags

{danger} Organizer cannot link other organizer's tags to their events.

{primary} These linked Tags can be seen on the event detail page. Just give it a try.

View Tags