Payment Methods

Eventmie Pro comes with an integrated PayPal express checkout system. And now in v1.3, we've added Offline Payment method for all types of users i.e Admin, organizers, customers.

{success} In case of Free tickets, users can book tickets directly without going through the payment gateway.

  1. Admin - Can only use the Offline Payment method to make bookings for customers.

  2. Organizer - Can use PayPal & Offline Payment method to make bookings for customers.

  3. Customer - Can use PayPal & Offline Payment method to make bookings for themselves.

{primary} We've excluded PayPal for Admin, because, it does not make any sense for Admin to make a payment from their own PayPal account. 💪


To get started with PayPal, simply-

  1. Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Apps Tab.
  2. Add your PayPal account Client Id & Secret.
  3. Add the Callback URL to your PayPal account- <>/bookings/paypal/callback.
  4. Then, first, keep the PayPal Production Mode disabled, and make a test booking.
  5. If test booking successful, enable the production mode to start receiving real payments.

Offline Payment (v1.3)

By default, the offline payment method is disabled. You need to enable it first. To get started with Offline Payment, simply-

  1. Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Bookings Tab.
  2. Turn on Allow Offline Payment For Organizer & Allow Offline Payment For Customer.
  3. You can turn on/off offline payment for Organizers & Customers separately, depending on your requirements.

{primary} Admin can always make a booking via the Offline Payment method.