Update from v1.7.x to v1.8.x

{danger} You must be on v1.7.x to update to v1.8.x. Please DO NOT directly update to v1.8.x older than v1.7.x.

{success} Updating will NEVER MODIFY OR DELETE your website's existing users' data (file uploads) & database tables data.


To update to v1.8.x-

  1. You must be on v1.7.x.
  2. Download the latest version from Classiebit.com - Downloads page

Update Service

You can update your website with the latest version for free by following the below update guide. But, if you want us to update your website with the latest version, we also provide paid update Service.

For Eventmie Pro

There are two types of update service-

  1. Simple Update Service Cost USD 50: If there are NO CODE CUSTOMISATIONS on your website.
  2. Advanced Update Service Cost USD 150: If there are CODE CUSTOMISATIONS on your website.

For Eventmie Pro FullyLoaded

There are two types of update service-

  1. Simple Update Service Cost USD 100: If there are NO CODE CUSTOMISATIONS on your website.
  2. Advanced Update Service Cost USD 300: If there are CODE CUSTOMISATIONS on your website.

To request paid update service, please send us an email at info@classiebit.com and we'll get back to you.

Steps to update

If can update your website yourself by following the below steps. Please make sure you DO NOT miss any step.

  • Extract the eventmie-pro-v1.8.x.zip file and then extract the package file eventmie-pro.zip.

  • Copy the eventmie-pro folder and go to your website directory.

  • Delete the current eventmie-pro folder & replace it with the new one.

  • Then run the composer update command

    composer update
  • On production (live) server, run this command as well

    composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
  • Finally, run the auto-updater command

    php artisan eventmie-pro:update

Update Config

{danger} Below command will override the existing config/eventmie.php file.

Few changes have been made to the Eventmie Pro config file in v1.8. The below command will update your base app config/eventmie.php file with the latest one.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=eventmie-pro-config --force

Update Languages

{danger} Below command will override the existing lang/vendor/eventmie-pro/* languages files.

Update your base app lang/vendor/eventmie-pro/* language files.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=eventmie-pro-lang --force

{danger} Below command will override the existing lang/vendor/voyager/* language files.

In v1.8, we've improved the Admin Panel translations as well. Run the below command to copy the Admin Panel language files to your base app.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=eventmie-pro-voyager-lang --force

And finally, this one will update the database -> translations table that's responsible for showing the Admin Panel in multiple languages.

php artisan eventmie-pro:translate-admin-panel